17BICM / Bienále plakátu Mexiko / Deadline 30. 6.

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Občanské sdružení  BIENAL INTERNACIONAL DEL CARTEL EN MÉXICO s ředitelem Xavierem Bermúdezem organizuje již přes 30 let stejnojmenné bienále plakátu, jehož se letos uskuteční 17. ročník (17BICM).
Přijímány jsou plakáty v následujících kategoriích:
 A (profesionálové) //Plakáty publikované od května 2020 //všechny druhy obsahu//
B (profesionálové) //Only One Earth (Pouze jedna Země) // nepublikované plakáty
C (profesionálové) //Pohyb a stálost// For the Right to Migrate ( / Za právo migrovat)
D (studenti a nedávní absolventi do 30 let) //Nepublikované plakáty A Better Future without Corruption (Lepší budoucnost bez korupce)//
E (studenti a nedávní absolventi) //Nepublikované plakáty – soutěž v digitální ekonomii//
F (studenti a nedávní absolventi) //Diversity in One World (Rozdílnost v jednom světě)// Nepublikované plakáty na téma Sustainable Development
Zaslat je možno maximálně 4 plakáty nebo plakátové serie. Letos jsou přihlášky BEZPLATNÉ! Plakáty je třeba registrovat online na www.bienalcartel.org do 30. 6. 2022 a v kategorii A zaslat 2 výtisky od každého plakátu poštou ve stejném termínu (nebo tisk objednat u pořadatele).Technické podmínky. větší strana plakátu 100 cm, 300 dpi, CMYK,  JPG
Výsledky výběru na 17BICM budou oznámeny na www.bienalcartel.org a na @bienalcartel 14. 9. 2022.
Adresa pro zaslání plakátů: Bienal Internacional del Cartel en México A.C. / Álvaro Obregón 73 / Col. Roma, C.P. 06700 / Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, CDMX / tel. (55) 76774230
V posledním říjnovém týdnu se sejde mezinárodní jury a ve čtvrtek 27. 10. 2022 bude 17BICM zahájeno ve Franz Mayer Museum v Mexico City MX.
Uděleny budou ceny v každé kategorii, první cena 100 000 MXN (mexické pesos), zlaté, stříbrné a bronzové medaile a diplomy.
Více info viz www.bienalcartel.org

The International Poster Biennial in Mexico is one of the oldest in the world, being a precursor of its kind in the American continent. With more than 30 years of experience, since its beginning this has been a place where the most important visual creators gather. Every two years, our civil association, of the same name, organizes the most
important poster event in Mexico, with the focus of being an agent in charge of compiling its information and making history of its graphics, not only for being an effective means of transmitting messages, but also for its visual value and applied design. Likewise, our Biennial has been conceived, from its origins, as a platform for the sharing of knowledge among creators where related projects are born or promoted.
Despite the adversities that the COVID-19 pandemic presented to us worldwide, our determination remained strong, in order to continue our work. One of the most important lessons learned from this process is the urgency of working to build a fairer and more empathic world. In this sense, as it has been in the past, the Biennial, as a platform for design and posters, has always assumed the responsibility of being the place where dialogues are held on current issues, mainly those of deep sensitivity, as we believe it is very important that we should use all disciplines, arts and crafts to achieve it. In this context, we will continue to reward, in our category A, the best poster of the last two years, essentially the challenging poster, rich in its forcefulness and discourse.
Our category B will be dedicated to the restoration of the planet, which also serves to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the uninterrupted work of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). In addition, this time we are adding,
in category C, a theme that focuses on migration, the right to migrate and how this has changed the world. Likewise, category E will be dedicated to the digital economy, the historic moment in which we live, as it has changed the way we consume and access various products.
And finally, category F will be organized in parallel with the Taiwan International Student
Design Competition, the world’s largest student design competition.
This year, categories A, B and C will be for professionals from all over the world, while categories D and E will be for students and recent graduates from Mexico and abroad,while category F will be for students of all nationalities. The purpose of this is to create
a different projection for the categories for students and recent graduates, which will be exhibited outdoors and in the street, in order to enhance their message.
We thank all the people, academies, associations, institutions, companies, universities and all kinds of initiatives that have promoted the International Poster Biennial in Mexico, so that this project continues to be possible. We thank our organizers:
Universidad Veracruzana, Museo Arocena; category conveners: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura, Programa Universitario de Derechos Humanos UNAM, Amnesty International Mexico, Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA),
Comisión Federal de Competencia Económica and Mejor México; also our sponsors: Beta San Miguel and Arte y Cultura del Centro Ricardo B. Salinas Pliego; and to our strategic allies: Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Secretaría de Cultura de México, Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Category A professionals Poster published between 2020 and 2022.
//on any subject//
Category B professionals //Only One Earth// Unpublished posters
Category C professionals //Movement and Permanence// For the Right to Migrate.
Category D for students and recent graduates from Mexico and
abroad. //Unpublished poster for A Better Future without Corruption//
Category E for students and recent graduates from Mexico and
abroad. //Unpublished poster on Competition in the digital economy//
Category F students from Mexico and abroad //Diversity in One
World// Unpublished poster for the Sustainable Development Goals.
Specifications In categories A, B, and C, only professionals dedicated to design, photography, visual arts, communication and related practices may participate.
Categories D and E will be dedicated to students and recent graduates, with an age limit of 30 years old by the closing date of the call for entries, while category F will only be open to students of design, advertising, communication, plastic arts and related fields.
In the case of category A, only posters published between MAY 2020 and MAY 2022 will be contenders. While the rest of the categories must have unpublished posters, made for the categories in which they participate, according to their respective specifications. Participants may submit, for the consideration of the selection committee, a maximum of FOUR POSTERS OR POSTER SERIES, including all the categories that correspond to them as professionals or students in the entire call for entries.
Online registration will open to the public at www.bienalcartel.org
The technical specifications of the digital files to be entered in the
competition must be: IN HIGH RESOLUTION
Size: 100 cm high (vertical) or 100 cm wide (horizontal). Resolution: 300 DPI Color: CMYK Format type: JPG
Category A will require the submission of 2 printed copies of the first edition of your poster, as well as the high resolution files.
All printed posters submitted must be affixed with micropore (not with glue or diurex, double-sided or any other type of tape) a printed copy of the carefully filled out participation form, which must be placed in the lower right hand corner of the back of the poster. The participation form will be generated and can be downloaded at the time of online registration.
The call closes on 06.30.22 with no extension.
The results of the finalists www.bienalcartel.org and social networks: @bienalcartel 09.14.22.
Posters should be sent, with no declared commercial value, as follows:
By postal mail, private courier or personal delivery to the following
address: Bienal Internacional del Cartel en México A.C.
Álvaro Obregón 73, Col. Roma, C.P. 06700
Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, CDMX
(55) 76774230
Due to the care of the presentation quality, damaged posters will not be accepted; it is suggested to take care of their packaging.

The results of the finalists www.bienalcartel.org and social networks: @bienalcartel 09.14.22
The international jury, in person, will evaluate the finalist works in the different categories during the last week of October 2022 and will announce the awards for each of them at the awards ceremony and opening of the exhibition, which will take place at the Franz Mayer Museum on Thursday, October 27 at 19:30 hrs.
First prize: 100,000 MXN (One hundred thousand Mexican pesos).
Gold medal and diploma. Second prize: Silver medal and diploma.
Third prize: Bronze medal and diploma. The economic prize and medals will be awarded directly by the organizers of each category, while the BICM will award the diplomas signed by the international jury.
The international jury will award the Gold Medal for Excellence «José Guadalupe Posada» to an active creator, or to a participating institution or country that has been characterized by its contributions to the development of graphic design in Mexico.


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