IBCC | Akce | Events 2011>2014


Akce | Events 2011>2014

IBCC soustreduje a uverejnuje data mezinarodnich cyklickych vystava soutezi plakatu, grafickeho designu a designu | The IBCC collects and publishes dates of international poster, graphic design and design cyclic exhibitions and competitions

D = uzaverka / dead-line; E = datum vystavy (mesic, nebo rok) / exhibition dates (month and/or year); A = adresa / address; T = telefon / telephone; F = fax;

(N) = neovereny zdroj / unverified source

BRNO / Czech Republic / ■ 25. mezinarodni bienale grafickeho designu Brno / 25th Intl.Biennale of Graphic Design Brno / D: 30. 11. 2011 / E: 06.>10. 2012 / ■ 26. mezinarodni bienale grafickeho designu Brno / 26th Intl. Biennale of Graphic Design Brno / Student graphic design / 2014 / M A: Brno Biennale, Moravska galerie, Husova 18, 662 26 Brno, CZ; T: +420-532 169 160; F: +420-532 169 180 / M bienale@moravska-galerie.cz; www.moravska-galerie.cz

CHAUMONT / France / ■ 22eme Festival internatio­nal de l’Affiche et du Graphisme de Chaumont / 22nd Intl. Poster and Graphic design Festival of Chaumont / D: 28. 03. 2011 / E: 21. 05.>05. 06. 2011 / ■ 23e–25e Festival international de l’Affiche et du Gra­phisme de Chaumont / 23rd–25th Intl. Poster and Graphic Design Festival of Chaumont / 2012–2014 / M A: les silos / Maison du Livre et de l’Affiche, 7-9 Avenue Foch, 52000 Chaumont, FR; T: +33-325 038 680; F: +33-325 310 858 / M artsgraphiques.affiches@wanadoo.fr; http://www.cig-chaumont.com/

CHICAGO / USA / ■ 3 Chicago Intl. Poster Biennial / D: 05. 2012 / E: 07. 2012 / ■ 4 Chicago Intl. Poster Biennial / 2014 / M A: Chicago Intl. Poster Biennial Association, 20 W Hubbard St, 2W, Chicago, IL USA, 60654-6254; T: +1-312 494 5250 / M info@chicago-biennial.org; http://chicagobiennial.org/

FONTENAY-SOUS-BOIS / France / ■ 19e Graphisme dans la rue / 19th Graphics in the Streets / D: 10. 03. 2011 / E: 06. 2011 / ■ 20e–22e Graphisme dans la rue / 20th–22nd Graphics in the Streets / 2012–2014 / M A: 166 bd galiéni, 94120 Fontenay sous Bois, FR;T: +33-153 992 368; F: +33-143 943 009 / M philippe.chat@lagaleru.org; www.lagaleru.org / (N)

FORT COLLINS / USA / ■ CIIPE – Seventeenth Colorado Intl. Invitational Poster Exhibition, Fort Collins + online exhibition of social posters Graphic Responses 5 / E: 16. 09. 2011 / ■ CIIPE – Eighteenth Colorado Intl. Invitational Poster Exhibition, Fort Collins + Graphic Responses 6 / 2013, 2014 / M A: Colorado State University, Department of Art, Fort Collins, CO – 80523-1770, US; T: +1-970-491 6774 / M John.Gravdahl@Colostate.edu; www.sota.colostate.edu/ciipe.html; www.colostate.edu/Depts/Art/

HANGZHOU / China / ■ The 5th China Intl. Poster Biennial / D: 30. 06. 2011 / E: 10. 2011 / ■ The 6th China Intl. Poster Biennial / 2013 / M A1: CIPB, Graphic Design Department of China Academy of Art, Room 213, Building 18, Meiyuan South Road, Zhu­antang Town, 310024 Hangzhou, CN; T: +86-(571)-877 880 73; F: +86-(571)-877-880 67; A2: BOX 18#, Xiangshan Campus of China Academy of Art, No. 352 Xiangshan Zhuantang Town, 310024 Hangz­hou, CN; T: +86-(571)-872 002 66; +86-(571)-872 002 36; F: +86-(571) 872 002 22 / M cipb@cipb.org; www.cipb.org/ / (N)

HONGKONG / China / ■ 5. Hong Kong Intl. Poster Triennial / E: 27. 11. 2010>23. 05. 2011 / ■ 6. Hong Kong Intl. Poster Triennial / 2013 / M A: Hong Kong Heritage Museum, 1 Man Lam Road, Sha Tin, Hong Kong; T: +852-21808117, -21808131; 852-218 081 88; F: +852-218 082 22, -218 081 11 / M triennial@lcsd.gov.hk; amkychan@lcsd.gov.hk; http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/ppr_release_det.php?id=3127; http://hk.heritage.museum/eng

KHARKOV / Ukraine / ■ 8. Miznarodna triennale eko-plakatu – 4j Blok / The 8th Intl. Triennale of Eco-Poster – Fourth Block / D: 31. 01. 2012, E: 26. 04.>26. 05. 2012 / M A1: The Association of graphic-designers „The 4th Block“, 11/13 Teatralny str., Kharkiv 61057, UA / T: +380-57-706 4823; +380-68-889 9879; F: +380-57-715 7591 / M association@4block.org; association@gmail.com; severinchik@gmail.com; solomadina@ukr.net veklenko@ukr.net; www.4block.org

LAHTI / Finland / ■ Lahden 18. kansainvälinen julistebiennale / 18th Lahti Intl. Poster Biennal / D: 31. 12. 2010 / E: 10. 06.>25. 09. 2011 / ■ Lahden 19. kansainvälinen julistetiennale / 19th Lahti Intl. Poster Triennal / 2014 / M A: Lahti Art Museum, Vesijärvenkatu 11 A, PL 113, 15111 Lahti, FI; T: +358-3-814 4546; F: +358-3-814 4545 / M kari.savolainen@lahti.fi; www.lahdenmuseot.fi/main.php?id=301

LA PAZ / Bolivia / ■ 4th Intl. Biennial of Poster Bolivia – BICeBe / E: 10.>11. 2011 / ■ 5th Intl. Biennial of Poster Bolivia – BICeBe / 2013 / M A: Catalografica, La Paz BO; T: +591-2-224 7694 / M davidcriado@gmail.com; www.grupocatalografica.com; www.bicebe-bolivia.com/ / (N)

LJUBLJANA / Slovenia / ■ BIO 23 – 23. Bienale industrijskega oblikovanja, Ljubljana / 23rd Biennial of Industrial Design, Ljubljana / D: 11. 04. 2012 / E: 10.>11. 2012 / ■ BIO 24 – 24. Bienale industrijskega oblikovanja, Ljubljana / 24th Biennial of Industrial Design, Ljubljana / 2014 / M A: BIO Secretariat, c/o Museum of Architecture and Design, Pot na Fuzine 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, SI; T: +386-154 003 48, M: +386-317 234 41, F: +386-154 003 44/ M bio@aml.si; www.bio.si

MACAU / China / ■ 8 Bienal de design de Macau, China / 8th China Macau Design Biennial / D: 18. 03. 2011 / E: 01.>18. 07. 2011 / ■ 9 Bienal de design de Macau, China / 9th China Macau Design Biennial / 2013 / M A: Macau Designers Association / Associacao de Designers de Macau, c/o Package & Design Publishing House, 5f/2, Qiaoguang Rd. Guangzhou, P.R. China. 510116, CN; T: +853 6689 1533 / M adm.secretary@gmail.com; www.adm.org.mo

MEXICO / Mexico / ■ La Decimo Segunda Bienal Interna-cional del Cartel en Mexico / Twelfth Intl. Poster Biennale in Mexico / D: 31. 05. 2012 / E: 10. 2012>01. 2013 / ■ La Decimo Tercera Bienal Internacional del Cartel en Mexico / Thirteenth Intl. Poster Biennale in Mexico / 2014 / M A1: Trama Visual AC, Apartado Postal 7-900, Mexico 06700 DF, MX / A2: Trama Visual AC, Alvaro Obregon 73, col. Roma, Mexico, 06700 DF, MX; T: +52-5-514 8137, -525 9411 T/F: +52-5-525 4265 / M tramavis@prodigy.net.mx;administracion@prodigy.net.mx; asistedirector@prodigy.net.mx; www.bienalcartel.org.mx

MONS / Belgium / ■ XIIeme Triennale Internationale de l’Affiche Politique, Mons / 12th Intl. Triennial of the Political Poster, Mons / E: 11. 2013>04. 2014 / M A: Scene transfrontaliere de Creati-on et de diffusion asbl, rue des Soeurs Noires, 4A, 7000 Mons, BE; T: +32-65-315 343; F: +32-65-399 809 / M contact@lemanege-mons.be; www.lemanege.com; www.affichepolitique-mons.com/homefr.htm / (N)

MOSKVA / Russia / ■ Zolotaja pcela 10, Mezdunarodna­ja bijennale graficeskogo dizajna Moskva / Golden Bee 10, Moscow Intl. Biennale of Graphic Design / D: 31. 05. 2012 / E: 08.> 09. 2012 / ■ Zolotaja pcela 11, Mezdunarodnaja bijennale graficeskogo dizajna Moskva / Golden Bee 11, Moscow Intl. Biennale of Graphic Design / 2014 / M A: Russia 119019 Moscow, Vozdvizhenka 3/5, Russian Sta­te Library, Centre of Public Relations / M serov@dubki.ru; www.gol­denbee.design.ru; www.goldenbee.org/

NINGBO / China / ■ igdb6 – 6th Intl. Graphic Design Biennale Ningbo / E: 10. 01.>16. 01. 2011 / ■ igdb7 – 7th Intl. Graphic Design Ningbo / 2013 / M A: Ningbo Museum of Art, Intl. Graph. Design Bi­ennial Committee, 122 Renmin Rd., Ningbo, 315020, CN; T: +86-574 8764 3222–2428, F: +86-574-8766 1718 / M igdb6@igdb-ningbo.com, panqin@panqin.com, jhdesign@nbip.net; igdb.ningbo@gmail.com; igdb.ningbo@hotmail.com; www.igdb-ningbo.com /

OGAKI / Japan / ■ 9th Ogaki Intl. Invitational Poster Exhibition / E: 10.>11. 2013 / ■ 11th Ogaki Intl. Invitational Poster Exhibition / 2015 / M A: Ogaki Poster Museum, c/o Gifu Keizai University, 5-50 Kitagata-cho, Ogaki-shi, Gifu-pref, 503-8550 JP / T/F: +81-(0)584-77-3503 / M info@ogaki-postermuseum-japan.com; www.ogaki-poster-museum-japan.com/menu.html

RZESZOW / Poland / ■ XIV Miedzynarodowe Biennale Plakatu Teatralnego Rzeszow ‘11 / XIV Intl. Biennale of Theatre Posters Rzeszow ‘11 / E: 11.>12. 2011 / ■ XV Miedzynarodowe Biennale Plakatu Teatralnego Rzeszow ‘13 / XV Intl. Biennale of Theatre Posters Rzeszow ‘13 / 2013 / M A: Teatr im. Wandy Siemaszkowej, ul. Sokola 7/9, 35-010 Rzeszów, PL; T: +48-17-853 2001 / M sekreta-riat@teatr-rzeszow.pl; www.teatr-rzeszow.com/index.php?l=en / (N)

SEOUL / Republic of Korea / ■ 8 Seoul Triennale Exhibition of the Asia Graphic Poster / 2012 / M A: Korea Society Experimentation in Contemporary Design, Seoul, KR / M master@kecd.org; www.kecd.org/ / (N)

SHANGHAI / China / ■ 7th Intl. Logo Biennial Awards / 2012 / ■ 8th Intl. Logo Biennial Awards / 2014 / M A1: Fine Arts De-sign Center of Shanghai Normal Unversity, 225 Hongcaonan Road, CN / A2: Capital Corporation Image Institution, No.2, Wan Hong Xi Jie, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100015, CN; T: +86-10-845 677 27; F: +86-10-643 555 50; / A2: Capital Corporation Image Institution, No. 4, Jiu Xianqiao Road, 798 Art Zone, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100015; T: +86-10-597 899 87; F: +86-10-597 893 94 / M logo@ccii.com.cn; bhren@ccii.com.cn; www.ccii.com.cn/logo/index.htm / (N)

SOFIA / Bulgaria / ■ 7 Mezdunarodno trienale na scenicnija plakat Sofija ‘13 / 7th Intl. Triennial of Stage Poster Sofia ‘13 / E: 10. 2013 / M A: Triennial of Stage Poster, 6 Shipka St., IV et., 1504 So­fia, BG; T: +359-2-8467248; F: +359-2-9460212 / M dari@omega.bg; albenasa@abv.bg; ionov@nha-bg.org; www.triennial.orbitel.bg

TAIPEI / Taiwan / ■ 5th Taiwan Intl. Poster Design Biennial Award / 2011 / ■ 6th Taiwan Intl. Poster Design Biennial Award / 2013 / M A1: Taiwan Poster Design Association, 6F-2, No. 189, Si­nyi Rd., Sec. 4, Taipei, 106, TW; / T: +886-2-2698 2989 #2 1303; F: +886-2-2698 9335, -2698 9532 / 1303@cpc.org.tw; http://96.cdip.org.tw; A2: China Productivity Center, „Taiwan Intl. Poster Design Award“ organising team, 2 F, No 79, Section 1, Hsintaiwu Rd, Hsichih City, Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) 221; T: +886 2 2698 2989 ext 2073, 2401; F: +886 2 2698 9335 / 2073@cpc.tw, 2401@cpc.tw; www.cpc.tw / (N)

TEHRAN / Iran / ■ The 11th Tehran Intl. Poster Biennial / 2011 / ■ The 12th Tehran Intl. Poster Biennial / 2013 / M A1: General Secretariat of the Tehran Intl. Poster Biennial, Tehran Museum of Con-temporary Art., No. 17, Shahid Sodooghi Alley, North Karegar Ave., Tehran Argar Ave., Tehran 1415614611, IR; P.O. Box 19945-664 Tehran, IR / A2: Iranian Graphic Designers Society (IGDS), 189 Felestin Sq., Tehran 14169/64161, IR; T: +98-21-669 695 26, -669 520 72, -889 654 11,-889 632 00; -695 2072; -669 469 10–11; F: +98-21-669 695 27 / M info@graphiciran.com; www.tehran-poster-biennial.com; www.graphiciran.com; www.ivabiennial.com / (N)

TEHRAN / Iran / ■ 4 Intl. Graphic Biennial of the Islamic World, Tehran / 2011 / ■ 5 Intl. Graphic Biennial of the Islamic World, Tehran / 2013 / M A1: Saba Cultural and Artistic Center, No. 23, Bouzarjmehr alley, Loqman-ul-Doleh Adham alley, south Palestine St., Tehran, IR; A2: No. 53, Mozafar St, Taleghani Ave, Felestine Sq, Tehran, IR; T: +98-21-649 9770; +98-669 516 50–54; F: +98-21-649 9770; +98-66951663; T/F: +98 21 66487534; artacademy@honar.ac.ir; www.honar.ac.ir/en/fair/Exhibitions.htm; www.caiw.ir / (N)

TOYAMA / Japan / ■ IPT2012 – The 10th Intl. Poster Triennial in Toyama, 2012 / D: 15. 01. 2012 / E: 06.>08. 2012 / M A: IPT, The Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, 1-16-12, Nishinakanomachi, Toyama-shi, 939-8636 JP; T: +81-76-421 7111; F: +81-76-491 3230 / M bijutsukan02@tym.pref.toyama.lg.jp; www.pref.toyama.jp/branches/3042/e_page/e_ipt.htm

TRNAVA / Slovakia / ■ 8. Trienále plagátu Trnava 2012 / 8th Trnava Poster Triennial 2012 / D: 15. 03. 2012 / E: 09.>12. 2012 /M A: Galeria Jana Koniarka, Zelený kricek 3, 917 01 Trnava, SK; T: +421-33-5511659 T/F: +421-33-5511391 / M pr@gjk.sk; www.gjk.sk

UNITED DESIGNS / Republic of Korea / USA / Korea Ensemble of Contemporary Design (KECD) ■ The 5th United Designs, Intl. Biennial Design Exhibition in Cyprus / 2011 / D: 23. 05. 2011 / E: 01. 07.>17. 07. 2011 / Organizers: Cyprus University of Technology and Korea Ensemble of Contemporary Design / Location: Graphic Design Galeery, Cyprus University of Technology / Seminar & Gallery Talk: 30. 06. 2011 ■ The 6th United Designs, Intl. Biennial Design Exhibition / 2013 / Organizers: Korea Ensemble of Contemporary Design and TBA, Location: TBA / D: 05. 2013 / E: 07. 2013 / Seminar & Gallery Talk: 06. 2013 / M A: Albert Inyoung Choi, Ph.D., Department of Graphic & Package Design, College of Design, Hany­ang University at Erica, 55 Hanyangdaehak-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan Kyeonggi-do, 426-791, Korea / M aychoi@hanyang.ac.kr; www.desi­gnresearchlab.com/uniteddesigns.html

WARSZAWA / Poland / ■ 23. Miedzynarodowe Biennale Plakatu Warszawa / 23rd Intl. Poster Biennale Warsaw / D: 30. 11. 2011 / E: 06.> 09. 2012 / ■ 24. Miedzynarodowe Biennale Plakatu Warszawa / 24th Intl. Poster Biennale Warsaw / E: 06.>09. 2014 / M A: The IPB Office, Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie, ul. St. Kostki Po-tockiego 10/16, 02-958 Warszawa, PL; T: +48-22-858 2437; -22-842 48; T/F: +48-22-842 2606, -22-842 4848 / M biennale@postermuse-um.pl; plakat@postermuseum.pl; www.postermuseum.pl/

WIEN / Austria / ■ 10th Joseph Binder Award / D: 2010 / E: 23. 03.>24. 03. 2011 / ■ 11th Joseph Binder Award / 2013 / M A: Design Austria, designforumMQ, Museumsplatz 1 / Hof 7, 1070 Vienna, AT; T: +43-1 52449490; F: +43-1-52449494 / M info@designaustria.at; www.designaustria.at; www.designforum.at

ZAGREB / Croatia / ■ Zgraf 11 – Medunarodna izlozba grafickog dizajna i vizualnih komunikacija Zagreb / Intl. Exhibition of Graphic Design and Visual Communications Zagreb / 2011 /
■ Zgraf 12 / 2014 / M A: ULUPUH – Zgraf, Preradoviceva 44/1, 10 000 Zagreb, HR / T/F: +385-1-455 2595 M ulupuh@zg.htnet.hr; zgraf@zgraf.hr; www.ulupuh.hr; www.zgraf.hr / (N)

ZILINA / Slovakia / ■ Ekoplagat ‘11 – 12. Medzinarodne trienale plagatu s tematikou ochrany prirody a zivotneho prostredia / 12th Intl. Triennale of Posters on the topics of conservation of nature and environment / D: 30. 07. 2011 / E: 27. 10.>04. 12. 2011 / ■ Ekoplagat ‘14 / 2014 / M A1: Povazska galeria umenia, M. R. Stefanika 2, 010 00 Zilina, SK / A2: Sprava NP Mala Fatra, Hrnciarska 197, 013 03 Varin, SK; T: +421-41-556 923 11; -41-507 1414; F: +421-41-569 2101 M ssnpmf@sopsr.sk; www.sopsr.sk/varin/; www.pgu.sk

100 beste Plakate / Germany / Austria / Switzerland / ■ 100 beste Plakate 10 Deutschland Oesterreich Schweiz / D: 15. 02. 2011 / E: Berlin 23. 06.>17. 07. 2011; Essen 08. 2011; Nurnberg 09. 2011; Dornbirn 10. 2011; Luzern 02. 11.>10. 11. 2011; Wien 29. 11. 2011>15. 01. 2012 / ■ 100 beste Plakate 11 Deutschland Oesterreich Schweiz / D: 15. 02. 2012; E: 2012 / O 100 beste Plakate 12–13 Deutschland Oesterreich Schweiz / 2013–2014 / M A: 100 Beste Plakate e. V., Friedrich-List-Strasse 4, 01445 Radebeul, DE; T: 0[049]351-839 3382; F: -839 33351 / M info@100-beste-plakate.de; www.100-beste-plakate.de/

IBCC corresponding members

■ Subrata Bhowmick Design / India M A1: Subrata Bhowmick, 31 Shyamal Row House 3A, Ahmadabad 380015, IN (Res. and Reg. off.) / A2: Subrata Bhowmick Design, Suruchi, 15 Vishwakunj Soc., Near National Institute of Design, Paladi, Ahmadabad 380007, IN (postal address); T: +91-79-26761236 (Res.), +91-79-266 393 50 (Studio); M: +91-932-700 3485 / M sara_bhomik@hotmail.com

■ Paul Ibou, Creativity Center / Belgium M A: Paul Ibou, Chateau Hof van Lyere, Hofeinde 3, B – 2240 Zandhoven /Antwerp/, BE; T: +32-3-4845511; F: +32-3-4845863 / M paulibou@telenet.be / (N)

IBCC co-operates with

■ Icograda / International Council of Communication Design / Conseil International des Associations de Design Graphique M A: 455 Saint Antoine Ouest, Suite SS 10 | Montreal, QC | H2Z 1J1 | CA; T: +1 514 448 4949, x 226 | F: +1 514 448 4948 / M info@icograda.org; www.icograda.org

IBCC International Biennales Coordinating Committee M A: IBCC c/o Brno Biennale Association, Jiraskova 4, 602 00 Brno, CZ; T/F +420-549252807 / M IBCC et post dot cz; www.sbb-bienale-brno.cz

Prehled cyklickych akci grafickeho designu IBCC 2011–2014 je vytvoren v „e-mailove“ verzi bez akcentu. Data mohou byt poradateli zmenena. / All the dates could be a subject of change

Sdružení Bienále Brno | Brno Biennale Association